The transition to a new paradigm


This is an article examining our current time of transformation and how a new global calendar system will take us into a new time paradigm. The Tenstrong calendar puts time back in the hands of people and acts as a global cultural framework promoting co-existence and intentional thinking to support us in our endeavor to explore our potential as human beings.


There is no doubt that our time is a time of significant transformation as we try to adjust to the circumstances we find ourselves in as a global society. Our social harmony and our environment are under extreme stress. To help us resolve and overcome this time of stress it is important that we understand what our transformational process actually is. To do this it is first helpful to try and define what our transitional destination is? What defining moment should we say heralds the completion of our transition? I think it is wise to simply define the completion in terms of our intention. Describing a time when individuals or humanity as a whole use the Resource Economic System Tenets (R.E.S.T) as there guiding principles for decision making where we value co-existence, altruism and resourcefulness over individual wealth. To be at rest essentially describes our shift of focus away from the rat race to explore our true potential as human beings.   

The spirit of our current time can be simply understood as an evolutionary process, both a personal and collective one referring to the change in our overall spiritual nature, describing our intellectual, social and ethical development.

Our transition can be simply defined using the acronym E.V.O.L.V.E.

E   Enlightenment by receiving truthful information or insight

V    Validate and Value information

O  Optimise by Opting to change in light of information

L   Living the change you want to see in the world

V   Voice your knowledge and share the vision with others

E   Enlighten others then proceed to evolve through the cycle and so on  

To further grasp the scope of our transition we can look at it from a broader perspective, in terms of ages. We refer to our current time as the age of information; the transition could simply be understood as the time of overlap between the age of information and the age of being. The length of time the transition takes depends on two main factors the availability and strength of information that we receive and our ability to process that information to the point where we make our choice and actively partake in the next evolutionary stage.


Let’s not understate or kid ourselves on about our situation and the scale and difficulties of the task we have ahead of us to transition into the world we envision. Because where we are right now and where we want to go is completely different, from war to peace, from nationalism to global unity, from competition and monetary economics to altruism and a resource based economy, from a ruling elite to collective governance, it’s a story of total global reform.
 But it’s not just the scale of the challenge that’s significant what differs most about our transitional narrative is that our challenge is a collective one describing our quest to evolve as a planetary species. There is no longer a clear notion of another adversary force that is endangering our existence as we are all one and as one we are potentially both the solution and the problem. There is in a sense only variation of understanding, actions and commitment that separate us apart and hinder our progress.
Our spiritual evolution is only half of our story the other half of the story is about our ability to transform our social/economic systems that have taken us this far and now are identified as being at the root of our problems. The capitalist system is failing but the problem is too many of us are reliant on it to provide us with energy and food and we can’t just transition over and live in an alternative system because it doesn’t exist yet.
The spirit of our times is about building that alternative system. But again we are faced with difficulty as we must try to do this within the constraints of our current system and before it totally collapses, failing to do so would likely end in much more human suffering and possibly chaos.
So what the transitional narrative of the spirit of our time is essentially about is our endeavour to create and build a sub culture within the current system based on the principals of altruism and resourcefulness. The intention of doing this is to at least provide us with a safety net sub culture system that we can fall into if the current systems collapse but the preferred option would be to build the sub culture up to a point where its stronger than our out-dated/current cultural ways and takes over as our culture of choice and we go through the transition in a much less chaotic and haphazard manor.   
What needs to be emphasised is our need to act now! And make the transition happen sooner rather than later, and that depends on our ability to building the subculture sooner rather than later. Our narrative should therefore be one of focused action because our current situation is nothing less than a disaster waiting to get worse as approximately 1 billion people on the planet are currently starving and many are dying each day because the current system is failing. These figures could quite easily triple if our current economic system broke down before we establish a strong enough replacement one to transition into.
Our new culture is already growing all over the world as many people are exploring more environmentally friendly energy and food production systems but most importantly we are helping each other and sharing ideas without expecting monetary rewards. But all our efforts need to be unified together and told in a narrative to give our subculture a defining form. 
The foundation of any culture is supported by its beliefs and values through the stories that are told within that culture. A new and defining narrative will act to create the foundations of our new paradigm culture. Our new narrative must define us in a way that creates a big enough gap between the old us and the new us to avoid people resting in both paradigms at once and making it clear that our evolutionary process is significant and transformative.
 There is no doubt that such narratives exist and are widely spread today in different forms like our transition into the age of Aquarius but most significantly the narrative of the world changing at the end of 2012. This time event is very important it marks the end of the Mayan long count calendar. It is believed that the end of the calendar on 21 of Dec 2012 marks a time when our solar systems transitions across the centre of the Milky Way galaxy. This cosmic transition has been identified as being a time of great spiritual enlightenment and the beginning of a golden age. This time event is heavily charged with the accumulating energy of hope and expectation that we are heading into a new harmonious paradigm. This energy is the energy of the spirit of our times that must be given a direction and channelled for the betterment of our world.  What if we could make it happen by offering a more suitable and appropriate narrative for our time in the form of a new global cultural calendar. Our time is primarily controlled or managed through our calendar system. How we use our time defines who we are. A new global cultural calendar will define humanity as one and will act to create the foundations for our new cultural approach and in doing so will give life to the spirit of our times.
 Changing time through calendar reform is a defining step in our evolution as up until now we do not have a unifying global cultural calendar system and our internationally accepted current calendar the Gregorian calendar is culturally out-dated and structurally inefficient but most important calendar reform forces us to think about how we use our time on a day to day basis. Our calendar system is very important in two main ways; its structural design determines the number of days in our living cycle (currently the 7 days of the week) this number of days affects the tempo of our existence. Equally as important the calendar system automatically becomes our overarching cultural framework as each day name becomes integral to our identity as people within the system. The day names should therefor reflect who we are and what we believe in. Our day names are in fact our most powerful cultural resources and can be used to support the values we believe in. By simply having and using a calendar with day names that reference the true spirit of our times we create and establish a new time paradigm.  
The spirit of our times calendar that I am proposing is called the Tenstrong calendar it has been created by exploring the functional potential of a calendar as a fully utilised social system. It is designed to function as a global calendar uniting all people under one overarching cultural system by promoting core human values as our determining principles for decision making. The Tenstrong calendar is a decimal calendar which arranges our days into 10 day living cycles. This reordering of our calendar days to a 10 day system is essential to create a profoundly more suitable calendar that is more in tune with our beliefs and understanding today. The Tenstrong calendar is however currently designed as a transitional calendar where both the 7 day system and the 10 day system can be used together in our time of transition.  The 2013 Tenstrong calendar can be view in full and downloaded from the internet at
The Tenstrong calendar system is like any other system it is a work in progress which can be altered to fit our situation, understanding and values.
The main advantage of calendar reform is that it gives us the opportunity to rethink how we should use our time within our living cycle.
 A study of how we use our time in Australia in relation to addressing environmental issues was the subject of a recent book published this year titled Time bomb by Barbara Pocock, Natalie Skinner and Philippa Williams from the work life institute of South Australia. The overall message in the book was that most people are time poor and to busy trying to keep up with demands of day to day life and work commitments that even with access to the latest environmentally friendly technologies they were more likely to opt for a quicker less friendly option to save time.
 Calendar system reform is essentially time reform it is the most important change we can make to transform our world and how we exist in it. Time is one thing we can’t afford to waste.  

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